Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Getting closer to home

We're getting closer!!! We can almost smell home!

So we've had a couple of days of hard driving. Hotels for some reason or other were all full in two locations where we had planned to stay the night, which forced us to put in a lot more miles than we normally do.

Yesterday we were bucking 50+ miles/hour winds. Literally head on. I hope our poor truck has recovered today. Actually, Dutch and I both pray that it's still out there when we are ready to leave. We are really gunshy now and worry about it more than we used to.

I don't know if you've ever driven along Interstate 40. There are LONG stretches between facilities when you hit Texas and New Mexico. Finally there was a rest stop. Now there are PARKING places with no facilities along the way. Who ever thought of that!! Must be a guy thing!!! So here we got to a REAL rest stop and I along with women streaming out of others trucks and cars made a bee line only to find a sign saying CLOSED due to power problems. Mind you the lights were ON!! I wish I had a camera on me to record the looks on our faces and get to interview people right on the spot regarding their thoughts at the moment...... In fact, if you saw Opera's show lately where she and Gail drove cross country, you kind of know where we are.

But I am so very thankful for the clean rest areas and for the gas stations that provide facilities. I'm especially thankful to those whose job it is to get up every morning, knowing that their job is to clean lots of toilets that day.

So I pulled out my knitting. I was working on a poncho to replace one of the ones that got stolen. I think I am pleased with it. It's a little different from the old one which is probably good, since we needed a new look. When we get home I'll take a picture and write the pattern. Dutch is often cold- what am I saying: he is ALWAYS cold!! So I decided that he needed to wear a hat to bed since he wears his hair real short. So after we landed in the hotel last night I made him a hat and presented it to him all proud just in time before he went to sleep. Of course he didn't wear it...... But it's COLD outside, and he may be thankful for it yet :-)))

So Phoenix, here we come tonight!. We've already talked to Mia and told her we are coming. She is teaching knitting at her house so we'll have to squeeze some time in between. We'd also like to visit with Rob and Kay Shields (hi!!!) and perhaps Dutch's cousin. We'll see. So we'll probably be home late Friday.

Thank you so much for your prayers. I'm very aware of the love it takes to remember to pray. I so wish I were more diligent about it.

Talk to you soon!!
God bless you!