Saturday, May 05, 2007

Getting ready for our next Bagsale

The countdown is on: Just one more month until our next famous Bag Sale!

I've been spending hours almost each day at our storage unit, bagging lots and lost of yarn! Can you ever have enough? Cook at home for the next month so you have money to spend at this next sale because once again, we will be giving you 75% off the regular price on all of our bag sale yarns! We must be crazy! But we want to clear out our storage unit and make room for more yarn!

Niqua and Cherie are planning a trip soon to do just that: Buy more yarn! But yarn never gets old and just because our distributors have moved on to the next yarns doesn't mean that the ones we still have are any less exciting!

While I was sitting there bagging today and having some alone time with my i-pod (listening to the Bible on tape) I was thinking that I should publish a bunch of free patterns for you in time for the bag sale. So Stay tuned. I'll try to have them for our next newsletter. For all of our newsletters, please go to

If you're waiting for the pictures from our last Pajama Party, give me just a little more time. They are almost ready. I am just waiting for permission from the parents of our two youngest knitters just to make sure it's OK to put their pictures online.

If I have a chance tomorrow, I'll show you some pictures of what I have been working on... Hint: My husband has asked me to make him a sweater for a gazillion years...... now it's almost done.....

Talk to you soon! Gaby