Sunday, February 25, 2007

Our last day at STITCHES

So this is our last day at Stitches. It's raining outside and we hope that it will clear up by late afternoon when we have to load the trailer again.

But before then, we still have a day of fun and activity on the floor. We are almost sold out of all of our bagsale yarn that we brought along. WOW!! That never happened to us before! I seriously considered driving back home to get more, but with an eight hour drive each way, I soon gave up on that idea!!

I have to tell you how much fun we had last night. As you can imagine, after a day on the floor we are pretty tired and our feet are longing for us to just find a comfy place to SIT!! So we asked at the hotel where we should go and eat and some recomendations were made. After we drove there and circled the parking garage forEVER, we found the restaurant only to be told there was a two and a half hour waiting list. NOT!! So we went for a walk and Jenny spotted a Chilly's (is that how you spell it??). We were quite silly and giddy by the time we finally were seated there.

Now you have to meet Lambchop, Jenny's new best friend. Now Lambchop had quite a time behaving herself, but she was having such a good time! She even made Jenny roll around the restaurant on her roller shoes just like she did on the showroom floor all day. You know Jenny decided it was her silly day. We threatened to put a sign on her back which said: Folloow me to Yarn Lady and have her roll around the showroom floor. We may still be forced to do that.

Speaking of fun on the showroom floor: Benjamin who is the head of XRX, came by with his camera and Jenny did the splits for everyone. I wonder if it will be on the XRX website. I'll have to go and look real quick.

Well it's off to the showers and another day.

Oh, last but certainly NOT least: When I finally got a break yesterday, I put my purse down someplace and left it there. THANK YOU to the kind person who turned it in. God bless you!!!!

Have a wonderful day!