Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sally Melville is coming!

I always wonder who reads blogs and WHY we read them. What may be of interest to you ? We have so many interesting things going on that we would love to share!

So this time I'd like to tell you that Sally Melville is coming to town! Actually not to TOWN, but to YARN LADY! You just don't know how much this means to us!

Sally is the author of 4 (count them: FOUR!!) books which are all best sellers. She lives in Canada but travels all over to teach and speak. Some folks are intimidated when "big name" teachers come to our store because they feel that they could not possibly know enough to be able to attend a class. So perhaps I can explain: These teachers don't have time to teach you HOW to knit or crochet. So the minimal skills are required, but otherwise, you are there to LEARN!

It's also difficult to pick just the right day and time to suit everyone. So how do we pick the days, you might wonder? That's easy! If the teacher says that's when I am available, that's the day we pick!

Recently we hosted Laura Bryant, and it's been wonderful to see that folks who took her classes were inspired and came away with a new skill and new ideas for their knitting projects. Taking a class from Sally will enrich you just as much!

Find out more here:

and here:

So if you're interested, please call the store at 949 770 7809 or 888 770 7809
See you there!
God bless you!