Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cold in Southern California

Hello again from TNNA - Day 2!
It is starting to get even colder here in San Diego, California. The weather reports are stating that it is going to freeze close to the coast line. Low winds too! We are not use to this crazy weather here.
Classes are so far great. Just long walks to the rooms from the front entrance. It is a joke that TNNA planned this ahead of time to help get our blood circulated since it was so cold outside.
We met with Edie Eckman and Nicky Epstein. They said they would love to come to our store to do some workshops. Please stay tuned to dates coming. We also said hello to Melissa Leapman, Laura Bryant, Sally Melville, Lily Chin, Judy Pascal, Chris Bylsma, Annie Modeset, just to name a few. Numerous people have come up to both Cherie and I stating that they love Yarn Lady and that we are the store to visit when in the southern California area. Tonight, we get to preview the garments for the upcoming season via the fashion show. There are suppose to be over 140 products, ranging from accessories to extravigant wedding gowns that are completely knitted or crochetted. Each item is more spectacular that the one previous. Can't wait to get the trunkshows from various companies. Don't miss out - Crochet is huge!
Stay tuned for more from TNNA!