Sunday, September 03, 2006

Knitting on my way to Europe

So Dutch and I are leaving in the morning for a trip to Norway, Paris and Germany. I wondered if I should take my knitting and if they would even allow knitting needles on the flight. So I looked around the site that tells me all of those things and it definately says that knitting needles and crochet hooks are allowed. But just in case, I put another pair of needles in my checked luggage in case the confiscate mine.

Now that school is starting things will get a little more "normal" around your house I hope and you will find the time to come and take one of the many classes and workshops Yarn Lady has to offer.

Our next one is with Melissa Leapman this coming weekend.

You've seen her on TV and now you can see her in person and be inspired by her talent.

I'll be looking for yarn stores in Europe as much as my tight schedule will allow. The last time we went I noticed that the stores are quite small (at least the stores that I saw) and neatly organised. There was a lady behind the register counter, where you stood in line and when it was your turn, you said: " I would like......." and she went and got it for you and rang it up. It was interesting and much different from the way it works at our store. It kind of reminded me of going to the butcher and the baker.....

Our staff will be at the store even though we're gone and I know they will take good care of you as always.
See you when I get back!!