Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What's been happening....

I haven't reported to you yet about our trip and here we are, about to leave on another one....

At Stitches I could take pictures of our booth only, since photography was strictly prohibited. Understandable, since everyone has their best new designs and ideas "out there" and with copyrights and all..... The point IS that you get to see so many great things and just like in our store, we hear over and over again how overwhelming it all is.

In our booth, we of course had our famous bagsale. (If you're going to Baltimore, do we have a surprise for you!!) We also had a lot of Anny Blatt Angora at half price. On the last day we looked in our pen and found a couple of PEOPLE in it. They, of course, were not for sale at any price!

Of course there was a huge list of other items as well but it always pains me when I have to tell someone that we don't have that particular item with us, but we carried a big van and trailer full of inventory with us and just couldn't fit another thing in.

If you remember Tirzah who used to work for us and her little boy, Robbie, who grew up in our store before and after birth...they came to visit as as you can see, Robbie is about to have a little brother or sister.

If you've never been to a Stitches show, you owe it to yourself to go. For more information go to The next show will be in Baltimore and Kaffee Fasset will be the featured speaker. I understand things are pretty well sold out, but, hey, there is always room for one more, right? If that's a little too far for you, the next show will be on the West Coast again.