Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HOLDING HANDS Charity Event at Yarn Lady

A few months ago we asked you to use some of your left-over yarns and some of your time to make 5-hour baby sweaters to be given to charity. We called the event "Holding Hands". To us it signified that as we help each other, we indeed are holding hands! We have displayed these sweaters all along the perimiter of our store so the little sweaters were holding hands. We took your names as you donated the sweaters and entered them into a drawing for a $100 Gift Certificate to Yarn Lady. The winner was announced yesterday and can be found in our latest Newsletter.

I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it has been to see your creativity and generosity! These gifts will be distributed by Stitches From The Heart.

Way to go everyone!! Thanks so much for your participation!