Sunday, May 27, 2007

A friendly yarn store?

To those of you who know us it hopefully comes as no surprise that we think we are a friendly store. At least we sure try to be!
So today my husband decided that we should go to the store (even though it is closed) and scrub the bathroom! We have been less than happy with our cleaning crew and even my husband could tell that the bathroom needed scrubbing. Now we don't turn on the lights when we're there when the store is closed, you get it- so no one SEES that we're there.
But Dutch being who he is, crumbled at the first sign of life at the front door and let the lady in. Now mind you, I look horrible, I have cleaning materials and mops and toilet bowl brushes everywhere, as well as the vacuum in the middle of the floor. MEN!!
Then the front door (which he had failed to LOCK) opened again and two more ladies walked in. Now normally I am MOST happy when people walk in and I greet them and try to make them feel welcome. But I was CLEANING!! MEN!!
So now I have the proverbial GUILT because I'm so afraid that I was less than gracious to these poor women. If you're reading this, please accept my apologies!
But at least the bathroom is cleaner than it was.....