Monday, April 30, 2007

Another PJ Party at Yarn Lady

OK, so the text is not in the right sequence, because I keep adding more pictures of our slumber party last Saturday night. Here are just some of the lucky winners who gave the correct answers to questions Jan and Jenny had prepared about general information regarding knitting and crocheting. Lots and lots of prizes were given and proudly received.

So we had another PJ party last Saturday night. What fun we had! I am putting together a page to show all of the pictures. Jan and Jenny hosted a get together of over 30 participants who all came to knit and hang out together and eat!! Pizza was served and everyone brought a desert and I don't think that anyone went home hungry!
At the beginning of the evening, Jan announced that those who wanted to could try to complete a 5 hour baby sweater. As you probably know, we are all making these sweaters to be given to charity and we have a contest. For each sweater you donate, your name will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate at Yarn Lady. So if you're interested, get KNITTING or CROCHETING!!
We called Keely the Lady In Pink! Keely had on this gorgeous sweater made out of a variety of Prism yarns and she was working on a new one again. It was so striking that the folks at the next table asked her to come over and model.

Stay tuned for more pictures!

Pssssst: Jan and Jenny are planning for another party later this year. Make sure you get your name in early since this was was sold out!