Friday, November 10, 2006

Going home at last

Well, I just saw Niqua's post. Looks like we are in front of a computer at the same time on oposite sides of the country..

Indeed, we are finally on our way home! While driving the last few hours, I mentally went over what I would have to say to you here and so many things came to mind then and of course now I draw a blank.....

I told Cherie yesterday that we were soooooo tired of hanging out in Philly, waiting for a descision by the insurance company and then the ardious chore of choosing a new car to buy to take us home. I HATE buying cars. So many choices and then all the haggling...... All our insurance is with one company and they have been on the phone with us a LOT. But since vehicles were taken, personal clothes and business property (yarn etc) we are dealing with three different departments. Some at home and some out here on the East Coast. YIKES!! Who can keep it all straight. As helpful as they have been, it still is very very frustrating. The day before yesterday the local insurance agent told us to hang in there another day before he would officially declare the van totalled. We couldn't make any arrangements until we knew if we were still responsible for the vehicle.

In the meantime all the hotels in the Philadelphia area were full so we couldn't stay two nights in a row except for one place. Looking for hotels alone drove us slightly crazy and when we looked for a way to get the trailer home things didn't get any better. Anyone that Dutch contacted said: too big- too far... Niqua found a moving company who might fit it on a truck going West but they wanted about $6000 for the pleasure. OUCH!!

So we decided that we needed to buy a new car anyway since we are now minus one car and we would rather put the money towards that. As I said before, I HATE buying cars!! We had to buy one big enough to pull our trailer but not so big that it would be impossible for us to drive around town. Pressure!! I could fill pages with the details.... not fun when you're far from home. Our old van was paid for and this one costs MEGA $$$$. Oh well..... Insurance will probably only cover 1/10th or so.

But we are so thankful that we have the means to make our choices. We can't even imagine how people fare who have lost everything and have no place to go and no money or credit. While insurance will hopefully re-imburse us for portions of all this, we do have lots of out-of pocket expenses with hotels, car rentals, phones, meals, clothing we had to buy and on and on. I have a whole new respect for organizations like the red cross who come to peoples aid when they are in need.

So now we're finally back on the road again and going home! Of course we don't hold anything against Philadelphia- we had many wonderful visits there, but this time around, we are so glad to be going home. We have learned so much and found again that when things get tough, we draw closer together and we needed that.

Cherie bought some special yarn at Stitches for all our "girls" who "kept the homefires burning" on the home front and at the show. Now they tell me that they like the yarn so much we will have to carry it!! And we promise that we will as soon as our budget allows.

We're in North Carolina tonight and plan on driving about 400- 500 miles a day.
We'll wave at you as we drive by your house!

Thank you so very much for all of your prayers. Please keep praying as we drive the remaining 3000 miles. Did we mention that we won't be driving to shows anymore, but that we'll be shipping? Speaking of bagsales, the one at our store is less than a month away. PLEASE mark your calendar for the first Saturday in December. Stay tuned for more information and please check out our website at if you've never heard of our bagsale.

Gotta get the clothes in the dryer. Talk to you again when I can.
God bless you!!!!!!!