Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Teddy Bear and other knitting patterns

We have done this in the past and I know others have as well, including the Knitting Guild, who did a great project. But I'm thinking why not do it again.... Use your scrap yarns to make little Teddy Bear Sweaters. Get some inexpensive bears and dress them. I'm sure we can all find worthy recepients. In the past, we gave them to the local fire department or polcie department for them to give to children who have been tramatised in some way.

We have our Famous Bag Sale coming up where we sell certain yarns at 50% off the marked price. Because this yarn is in bags, I have decided (as my time permits) to make these little sweaters, so folks can see what the yarn knits up like. Now don't expect me to do this with EVERY yarn that we have. No way would that be possible! But some....
I ran accross one yarn that I really like. It's a very soft chained ribbon. You guessed it, because it is really a knitted tube, it will ravel when cut, just like any knitting would. I found a solution that I can share with you here. Perhaps you already do this..... I just take a small sweing needle and thread the loose end into the needle and the try to go through as many of the loose stitches as I can and secure them. Voila! No moe unravelling! Of course now you have to weave in the entire end and you can't cut it or you'll start all over again. A little extra work, but worth it to use this yarn!

See you at the bag sale!
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