Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our trip home from Stitches

It's been a few weeks since we got back from Stitches in Baltimore. As you know, Dutch and I drove the 3000+ miles pulling our trailer. The trip this year went well, no vehicles stolen like last year. We decided to visit Dollywood in Tennessee and spend a couple of days there. We continued on without any problems until we hit Arizona. Then the problem wasn't ours, but as has been well documented, our part of California was on fire.
Because we were pulling a trailer and there were such high winds, the roads home were closed and we had to spend an extra 3 days in Arizona. I had to resign myself to not feeling guilty while laying by the pool and relaxing. This, of course, is the short version. There are many details to the long version, but suffice it to say that I was quite aware and very thankful that God inserted a few days of being still into my schedule.
Although the media coverage has stopped, we should still be praying for those who have lost everything to the fires.