Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dutch and Gaby married 40 years!

This blog is supposed to be about all things YARN but I have to get a little personal note in there again.

Dutch and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary yesterday with a short trip to Catalina Island. It has been a while since we were there so everything was almost brand new to us except for the glimpses of the past that would pop up here and there. I just had a new hairdo done the day before but as you can see in the picture, the windy trip from Dana Point to Avalon (I sat outside of course) didn't help my hair at all.

On our walk around the island, we found a wonderful little store which carried yarn and quilting supplies and lots of other items that the creative person would like to have. I brought my knitting on this trip, but didn't get much done.

Back at home now, I'm fast at work on a sweater that I am FINALLY making for my husband. After 17+ years in the yarn business and 40 years of marriage I have only made him one sweater until now. He never got to wear that one because I hung it in the store as a model and eventually sold it to someone who fell in love with it. Our Jan was working on a fabulous felted purse recently in great Noro yarn doing the entrelac pattern. My husband saw the colors and decided that he just had to have a sweater just like it. NOT!!! I am using the great colors but I am not doing the entrelac. I think the poufiness of the pattern would add even more pounds to his midriff. Neither he nor I need that. As it is, I just took a basket and picked a bunch of Noro yarns in different but complimentary colors and as I am knitting it, I just change color when I feel like it. He likes it already and it's fun to make.

Speaking of felted purses: We went on a tour to the interior of the island where the Wrigley family (as in chewing gum) still maintain a ranch, and in the gift shop what do I see but three gorgeous felted purses.

Hope to see you at the store soon!
